A pulse oximeter is a medical device used to measure a person’s oxygen saturation level in their blood, as well as
their heart rate. It is a non-invasive tool commonly used in healthcare settings, such as hospitals, clinics, and
doctor’s offices, but it is also available for personal use at home.
The device works by emitting two different wavelengths of light, usually red and infrared, through a person’s skin,
often on a fingertip or earlobe. Hemoglobin, the molecule in red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen, absorbs different
amounts of these two wavelengths depending on whether it is carrying oxygen or not.
Based on the absorption of light, the pulse oximeter calculates the oxygen saturation level in the person’s blood.
normal SpO2 level for a healthy person is typically above 95%. The device also measures the person’s heart rate by detecting the variations in blood volume caused by the heartbeat.
Pulse oximeters have become particularly relevant and popular during the COVID-19 pandemic, as a drop in
oxygen saturation can be an early indicator of respiratory distress or complications related to the virus.
It’s important to note that while pulse oximeters are valuable tools, they are not a replacement for professional
medical evaluation. If you have concerns about your oxygen levels or health, it’s best to consult a healthcare