Cancer is not an infectious disease. It does not spread like influenza. It is not classified as an infectious or contagious disease. We go to Day Night Nursing Home Care Services and Cancer patients care in Dhaka. Our Service 24 hours
Cancer patients care in Dhaka
How to know about cancer?
Cancer generally depends on your lifestyle (how you live your life). Cancer can be caused by alcohol, tobacco, certain chemicals, toxins, toxins, and hormonal disruptions in the body and plant. Although regular doctor care and treatment can detect cancer early on, it does not guarantee any cure. Most cancers are detectable at the outset, but some cancers remain asexual until death. That’s why we need to be aware.
It’s hard to say anything about cancer. Especially, when you don’t know how to help or how to treat a cancerous person. If your co-worker, family member, friend or colleague suffers from cancer, openly discussing cancer and treating the disease will help improve the path that leads to disease. Day-Night Nursing Home Care Services and Cancer patients care in Dhaka. Our Service 24 hours.
Our Service 24 hours and 7 days any time anywhere. Just call us and confirm, within 2 hours we send oxygen cylinder to your home by our active team.
Contact us: +8801719757999 & +8801611720526.