Are you looking for a nurse to take care of your sick mother or father?

Then contact Day Night Nursing Home Care today. Nursing Home Care BD Service, It is a renowned Dhaka Bangladesh based company for nursing care at home.
Our Services:
1. Nurse: You need 24 hours long term service in your own home.
2. Nanny / Wardboy: In need of care for your elderly/sick parents or loved ones.
3. Physiotherapy: All types of physiotherapy are given at home by trained and skilled physiotherapists.
4. Medicine: All types of emergency life-saving medicine are provided at home.

5. Medical Equipment: All kinds of medical service equipment including Oxygen Cylinder, Diabetes Machine, Nebulizer Machine, Blood Pressure Machine, Digital Blood Pressure Machine, Saw Machine, Wheel Chair, Air Mattress are provided at home.

6. Emergency: We provide emergency services by Diploma Nurse with all types of IV canola, IV & M injections, insulin, saline, all types of dressings, catheters, NG tubes, blood pressure, glucose measurements.
7. Day-Night nursing home care Nursing Support There is an expert team to control the quality of full-time service.
We respect your elderly and sick loved ones

Nursing Home Care service cost in Bangladesh

The home nursing services are now much in demand owing to rising hospitalization charges,

availability of quality health care services, and the demand of the elderly who prefer familiar surroundings to sterile hospitals and nursing homes.

The cost of home care nursing services varies depending on the criticality of the illness and the duration of the service sought.

Nevertheless, the cost of home care nursing services has been found to be anywhere between 20% and 50% cheaper as compared to hospitalization.

Looking at the growth of the home healthcare services, several insurance agencies have brought forth varied policies and coverage options that cater to various needs and specifications.

The benefit period ranges from three to five years and is related to maximum daily benefit over the number of years in the benefit period.

However, insurance covers only part of the total claims for specific products and services, and the amount for home healthcare is capp.

The cost of home health care insurance also depends on several factors like your residential area and the type of care you need.

Contact your general insurance provider and enquire about their home health care policy and the premium they can work out for you.Nursing Home Care BD Service, It is a renowned Dhaka Bangladesh based company for nursing care at home.

আমরা কিভাবে সাহায্য করতে পারি?

আমাদের সেবা সমূহ গুলোঃ

১.অস্ত্রোপচার পরবর্তী যত্ন
২.প্রবীণদের যত্ন
৩.দীর্ঘস্থায়ী যত্ন
৪.মূত্রনালী ক্যাথেরাইজেশন যত্ন
৬.ডায়াবেটিক যত্ন
৭.ইনসুলিন দেওয়া
৮.অক্সিজেন দেওয়া
৯.সকল প্রকার ড্রেসিং করানো
১০.ব্লাড প্রেসার চেক করা ইত্যাদিঅ
একজন সিনিয়র ডাক্তার তত্ত্বাবধান করেন।